
20 години затвор за сириеца, който прегази двама полицаи в Бургас 20 години затвор за сириеца, който прегази двама полицаи в Бургас

translation business- few question

Message board for English speakers

translation business- few question

Мнениеот ljham » 04 Юни 2007, 19:02

Im going to start translation and editing business. DO I need to have certificate for the company to do this business? like the one you need if you sell cigarettes for example. In the Очредителен Акт translation and editing is not added. DO I need to add it and where I have to go? Just for more information, under company activity it is written:

вътрешна и външна търговска дейност
търговско представителство и посредничество
производство на стоки
сделки с технологии, интелектуална и индустриална собственост
рекламна, информационна, консултантска, маркетингова, сервизна дейнст или предоставяне на други услуги, медигмънт.

... and some more, but they are related to the realestate, building and etc...

When I created the company, the lawer told me if I ever want to do any business - It will be no problem to start it - this piece of paper has all activities the company can do and it covers all possible once. But I want to ask anyway.

thank you
Нов потребител
Мнения: 5
Регистриран на: 14 Май 2007, 08:55

Мнениеот kontrol » 05 Юни 2007, 00:50

First, if it was written wrong from a Bulgarian: очредителен акт, медигмънт, it doesn't speak good for his/er knowledge. (Like my bad English.)

To make a company (juridical person), you must register it in the
a) before 1. Jule .2007 - court and trader's register
b) after 1.VІІ (or later, if postponed) - only trader's register

Then, you need permissions or licences for certain activities.
- for example: weapons
- I'm not sure for translations, but I think - No

But if you want to make "trusted" translations (called legalizations), the translator (person) should be "sworn" (certified) and the company must have a contact with the http://www.mfa.government.bg/index.php?item_id=112
Горното представлява потенциално грешно становище. Консултирайте адвокат, ако искате сигурност и юридическа отговорност при защитата на правата Ви.
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Мнениеот ljham » 05 Юни 2007, 08:29

Dear kontrol,

Im sorry for the mistakes-they are mine. I also have the company and it works. I will not do legal translations - any other kind you can think of (like books, articles, manuals, etc) and editing. I was wondering do I have to have it written in the 'учредителен акт' as: 'translation from 'lang' to 'lang' and editing'" or ... wait... I will ask somebody to write it in Bulgarian.

Предвид това, че в учредителният акт е записано извършване на търговия с интелектуална собственост и др. трябва ли да бъде добавена дейността 'преводи и редакция' или тя може да се приеме като едина от посочените дейности в него?

I hope you will understand it better now :).
Нов потребител
Мнения: 5
Регистриран на: 14 Май 2007, 08:55

Мнениеот elenailtcheva » 10 Юни 2007, 20:43

If your question is still valid - my answer is no you don't have to add this new business if the establishment act contains the formula and any other activity not forbidden by law (or if not mentioned it is implied).
But it may be preferable for other reasons to have explicitly stated in your act the wording translation and editing for the purposes of proving how long you are in the business for instance if you participate in public procurement tenders and so on.
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Мнения: 34
Регистриран на: 04 Апр 2003, 13:37

Мнениеот xakepxakep » 26 Юли 2007, 14:01

In order to be registered as official translation company at the Consular Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, translation should be explicitly written in the subject of activity. By the way, they do not register new translation companies because some changes in the system are expected. :wink:
Младши потребител
Мнения: 26
Регистриран на: 26 Юли 2007, 13:46

Мнениеот diaida » 11 Авг 2007, 18:39

We are Bulgarian Company for Translations and Legalizations. May be I cen help you. My e-mail is translegal@abv.bg
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Регистриран на: 21 Май 2007, 14:57
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